Alaska becomes a popular tourist destination. Truly can’t beat 30 Days of Night. The first to think of going there, they of the black eyes and sharp teeth, complain that it all went to shit once the Cullen cousins moved in. They completely gentrified Alaska and drove all the best food (people trying to escape their past and libertarians) away. 


The citizenship board discusses several cases. First on the docket: Vlad the Impaler.  He is not technically a vampire, but he did inspire the most famous vampire of all time. He certainly kills plenty of people and he understands the culture. Stoker always blocked it, but the new chairman of the Council of Draculas, Coppola, is in favor of allowing Vlad to be a citzen of Vamp World. And with the support of the Council of Draculas, the motion passes. 

Manbat’s citizenship bid is denied once again. He’ll be back next week. 


The Ketchup Vampires tell the Cullens that they give vegetarians a bad name.