Lestat and Nosferatu go for a drink. Louis is being a bitch and Nos is always ready to lend a sympathetic ear. He and Lestat see the world the same way. Nosferatu wishes that Lestat would finally break up with Louis, and maybe he would finally notice that Nosferatu was head over heels in love with him. 


Bill Compton, acting as representative of his territory, meets with the Sesame Street and Kellog counterparts. Bill and Chocula may butt heads more often than not, but at the end of the day they both want the same thing, to protect the vampire community. 


Spike and Eric spend a night in, bleaching their hair and watching Moonstruck. 


Jimmy Buffet the Vampire Slayer stalks the night, mowing down vamps in a halter top. He slays one last vamp and then quips “What a sleazeburger in paradise.” 

Willow and Xander laugh dutifully.